If you were charged with a drug offense and arrested, you may have had to post bond in order to get out. Just because you have posted bail doesn't mean that it's all over, however—you still have a court date to go to. To ensure that your court case goes smoothly when you do have to appear in front of a judge, make sure that you do these three things immediately after getting out on bond.

1. Hire an Attorney Even relatively minor drug offenses can be taken quite seriously in court, so you are going to need legal representation. Do not take a risk and represent yourself in court. Instead, start looking for an attorney as soon as possible after you get out of jail. Hiring a lawyer now will give him or her more time to work on your case, which can make a big difference in how well things go for you when you go in front of a judge or jury.

2. Stop Using After a stint in jail, the first thing that you might be looking forward to is returning to your old habits. However, it is imperative to avoid drugs or excessive quantities of alcohol while you are pending trial. The last thing that you want is to get arrested again while you're out on bond. In fact, you may find that you are better off staying away from the people and places that might have encouraged your use in the first place.

3. Get Help Do you have a drug problem? If so, now is the time to seek help. Not only can doing so help you turn your life around, but the judge is sure to appreciate that you are making an effort to change as well. If you are a first-time offender or if you have only been charged with a minor drug-related crime, going to rehab or otherwise seeking treatment might make a difference in the outcome of your case. This varies based on your jurisdiction, the crime that you have been charged with, your criminal record and a few other factors, so you should talk to a lawyer before assuming that rehab will help your case. Regardless, now is a good time to seek help if you have a substance abuse problem.

Taking the right steps after getting out on bond is important, so remember these three things if you have recently been bonded out for a drug-related offense.
